Calling all Charger Band parents!  Our booster club is STILL registering members for this school year and if you haven’t already joined, we want YOU!  We are so excited to be off to such a great start for the year, and our Charger Band Booster Club is on the hunt for more parents who want to support our band!!

Were you aware that our Charger Band Booster Club is intended to support ALL the students and all our programs?  We believe that with everyone’s support we will be a stronger organization! If even one parent of each student joined who has not joined thus far this year (even at the first level) we would raise over $2500 for our band program!  This might just eliminate the need for some of our fundraisers or allow us to add some much needed scholarships for students who have the need…but only with your support!

Please note that your membership in the booster club is not a commitment to volunteer.  However as a program with a LARGE number of events and the largest group of students at CSHS, all hands on deck are certainly encouraged and definitely appreciated.

Will you please consider joining our booster club by clicking this link? Once you sign up, our membership committee will be in touch with you to make certain all the perks promised to you at the level you select are delivered!

Booster Club Information


All band families are encouraged to become members of the booster club. Membership allows you to have a voice at booster meetings through making motions, participating in discussions, and voting for or against certain measures.

You can sign up for memberships at any time. Membership applications are available at   Payments can be submitted by check (made out to CSHS Band Boosters) or PayPal.

Financial Support

Charger Band Boosters provides financial support in the areas of adjunct instruction, program design, contest fees, transportation costs, and various equipment items to name a few. Frequently, this support matches or exceeds those funds provided by the district to the band department.  In a typical year, well over $100,000 passes through the booster club and band school accounts.  Financial updates on the booster club are provided at each booster club meeting.


Without parent volunteers, many services provided to the students would not be there.   In summer band, we have parents volunteer to deal with students who have trouble acclimating themselves to the heat.  At football games, parents hand out plumes, snacks, refill water bottles, and assist moving equipment at halftime.  All parents are encouraged to volunteer for at least one activity per year.

Per CCISD regulations and State Law, every volunteer must register and go through a background check before they can chaperone or volunteer at an event. Registration can be found at

Booster Club Executive Board

An Executive Board is elected in May of each year. These executive members serve to facilitate the organizing of all band activities.  There are no positions of power as all decisions regarding the band are made at the sole discretion of the directors.  Should the directors choose to do so, and it happens quite often, the directors rely on the Executive Board to be an advisory council and seek their input on appropriate matters.

A nominating committee is formed in the spring. Interested members should contact Mr. Williams or the chair of the nominating committee to express their interest in serving on the board in the future.

Booster Club Meetings

Meetings are posted on the band calendar and are held in the band hall. These meetings are for booster club business only.  They are not information sessions from the band directors and they are not opportunities to visit with the directors about someone’s progress in band.  It is important that members attend these meetings so they can have a say in booster club business.