Below are the guidelines that were developed by CCISD administration and athletic trainers a few years ago regarding the temperature and humidity levels during practices.  I have also included the section from our band handbook where we address the issue.  You have also seen and signed the UIL document with their heat guidelines.  Furthermore, every staff member has gone through annual training by the UIL and has been certified in CPR.  Our student leader team has gone through the same UIL training and several students are trained in First Aid and CPR.  Also, whenever possible, we have a nurse volunteer on hand during practices, games, and contests to help out with any medical issues that may arise.

While all of these guidelines are helpful and communicate that we have plans in place, we do not overlook the fact that common sense is of the utmost importance.  Students are expected to have a buddy who watches out for them and makes sure they are drinking water during practice.  They are also expected to notify an adult or a student leader (who will then notify an adult) if there is a student not drinking water or who is having difficulty.

Students may not at any time share water jugs or drink after each other.  Whenever this happens in drum corps or marching band, mono and other illnesses tend to go through the group like wildfire and shuts them down for several days.  In addition to putting the students in danger, we do not want to lose preparation time because of something that is easily preventable.

Parents, please monitor your child at home.  I have spoken to all of the students and have instructed them to drink a lot of water.  Gatorade and similar drinks are great at replacing electrolytes after rehearsal.  They are also good to drink in the evening before bedtime as some will remain in their system for morning rehearsals.  Soft drinks, tea, and coffee should be limited to no more than one per day during marching season.  These drinks tend to accelerate dehydration.  We also ask that students stay away from energy drinks such as Red Bull and Monster.

In the Heat Guidelines, there is mention of “the sensitive group”.  This is in reference to students who may suffer from asthma, may be recovering from an illness, or who have extra sensitivity to the heat due to weight or other medical issues.  If your child falls into this category, please have a conversation with them encouraging them to use common sense and to sit out when they feel it is warranted.  We will not penalize students who have to sit out; however, if they sit out frequently, we do need to re-evaluate their activity level and their responsibilities in the marching band which sometimes results in reassigning them to a less strenuous position.

During summer rehearsals we will be outside in the morning and inside in the afternoons.  While we are outside, there will be parent volunteers who will be at the ready in case a student gets overheated.  If you are available to volunteer during this time, please visit the calendar at Charms to sign up.  It is a great way to see what we do and to get to know fellow band parents!

The following is from the CCISD Heat Guidelines:

High School Extracurricular Activities

  • When the temperature reaches 100 degrees or above, all students in the sensitive group may sit out without penalty.
  • When the temperature reaches one of the following conditions then, all outside practices will choose one or more of the options listed.
    • 104 degrees or above
    • 100 degrees or above AND the humidity is 45% or above
  • OPTIONS when conditions are met:
    • Practice will be moved to air-conditioned areas
    • Practice will be called
    • Practice will begin after 6:00 p.m.

Please see the following sections from our band handbook regarding the heat.


  1. Students are required to bring a ½ gallon jug of water to every practice*.  Bottles purchased in the school vending machines or at convenience stores are not sufficient for hydration during practice.
  2. Light colored and lightweight clothing should be worn*.  White shirts are required at all marching rehearsals.
  3. A hat or visor is highly recommended along with sunglasses.
  4. Sunscreen should be used at every rehearsal.
  5. Students who overheat will be taken into the building to cool down.  If further treatment is needed, the parent will be contacted and an attempt will be made to locate an athletic trainer or school nurse.
  6. During periods of severe heat (temperature of 104 degrees or higher as per district policy), rehearsals will be moved indoors or rescheduled to late evening.

*Students who do not have a ½ gallon water jug filled with water or who are not wearing proper rehearsal attire will be sent home with an unexcused absence.  Parents should not deliver forgotten items to the front desk or attendance office during school hours.  You may deliver it to the band hall or back parking lot after school.


  1. Rehearsals will take place in the event of rain.
  2. The band will not rehearse outside during severe weather or during storms where lightning is present; however, we will rehearse outside during periods of light rain.
  3. A staff member is constantly monitoring the presence of lightning with a lightning detector.
  4. According to district guidelines, the practice field will be cleared and all students moved indoors when lightning is within 6 miles.
  5. We will not return to the field until 30 minutes have passed following the last lightning strike.
  6. Rehearsals that are canceled due to severe weather will be rescheduled to the next day or time will be added to the remaining rehearsals for that week.