The students have been working hard in class and after school, with dress rehearsals and clinics, all culminating in the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is happening next week! We still need chaperones, especially for Concert Band on Tuesday. If you can lend a hand, sign up by clicking the link below or you can go through Charms.

Concert Band UIL – 4/30/2019

Symphonic Band UIL – 5/1/2019

Wind Ensemble UIL – 5/2/2019

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause. Make sure to get there early in case the performances are running ahead of schedule. Also, please remember proper performance etiquette and make sure you only enter the auditorium between performances or during applause.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Concert Band
Tuesday, April 30
Clear Lake High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, May 1
Clear Lake High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, May 2
Clear Lake High School

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Instructions for how to adjust hems if needed may be found HERE
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class next week.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.